Monday, April 27, 2009

It Is Well With My Soul

Hey All! Gosh it feels good to be well again. Thank you all for your patience. If I haven't answered emails or mailed packages or something ... please email me because I got a bit behind with being so under the weather, but I'm alive again (and hopefully immune to that new piggy flu) and I don't mind being double-reminded about things I've missed.

This week's Bag Biddies are:
  • With Endless Sight -- Heather in Michigan -- $35
  • Words from a Fearless Heart -- J.A. -- $31
  • Mom ... and loving it! -- A.C. -- $30
Please email within 1 week to arrange payment and postage/pickup.

In case you hadn't noticed, I think I've gone back to the old format, more or less. It gives y'all a bit more time to bid. And I have two new messenger bags ready to go up tomorrow morning. Feedback on what we're doing is always welcome.

Thanks so much for your support. And thank you again LaVonna for your extra special contribution! All proceeds from this fundraiser go towards Zaza's adoption.

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